EN 1504: Protective Coating Selection for Concrete Structures


This article intends to discuss:

  • The standards & repair methods applied on concrete protection according to EN 1504
  • Importance of EN 1504 towards the industry as a guide for concrete repair & protection
  • Comparison of Dritech’s Dri-Gard Protective Coating Systems with EN 1504 requirements

A Guide for Concrete Protection & Repair

European standard EN1504, entitled: “Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures” is a document that includes guidelines on installing, protecting, and repairing of concrete. These guidelines are based on the individual condition of buildings & structures. The standard comprises 10 parts that are associated to about 65 different standards, corresponding to control of products and systems quality & performance through testing and evaluation of its conformity.

The following is a summary of the different parts in BS EN1504:

  • Part 2 and 7 refers to the requirement and specification of the types of systems and products, and their respective testing method
  • Part 8 explains the quality control and evaluation of conformity of products and systems and contemplating its “CE” label
  • Part 9 states the general application and principles for the utilization of products and systems specified in part 2 to 7
  • Part 10 refers to the application of local materials and their quality control
EN 1504 acts as a guide to ensure proper material selection & application methods for protection & repair of concrete structures.

The Importance of EN 1504

It is critical to develop techniques and materials that can improve reinforced concrete (RC) to extend their lifetime cycle. Hence, the EN 1504 standard was developed to help owners and engineers in using suitable materials for concrete protection. It also helps them in creating suitable repair strategies. EN 1054 is adopted by the industry as a guide for concrete repair. It provides complete repair methodology from initial site inspection to the end of works.

All specifications presented in EN 1504 aims to optimize repair operations and provide a valid instrument to correctly identify problems. EN 1504 (Part 9) summarizes 11 concrete repair and protection principles. 6 of its principles address remediation on concrete defects, while the remaining 5 principles relate to preventing reinforcement corrosion.

Furthermore, EN 1504 is used in most major concrete structure projects as it has a broad scope with suitable product performance specifications for structural and non-structural repair according to conditions and requirements of a project. It is also used as a guide by the industry for onsite quality assurance, and to define the site application of these products.

EN 1504-9 Performance Criteria for Protective Coating Systems

EN1504-9 consists of 11 principles & methods for concrete protection and/or repair. The appropriate principles and methods can be chosen based on the condition and requirements of the project.

Principle 1: Protection against ingress
To reduce or prevent the ingress of adverse agents, e.g. water, vapour, chemicals, etc.
– Surface impregnation (penetrating sealer)
– Surface coating
– Locally bandaged cracks
– Filling cracks
– Transferring cracks to joints
– Erecting external panels (precast concrete)
– Applying membranes (plastic or rubber sheets)
Principle 2: Moisture control
To adjust & maintain moisture content in concrete, as water penetration into concrete may further deteriorate the concrete (e.g. AAR).
– Hydrophobic impregnation (silane/siloxane sealer)
– Surface coating
– Over-cladding
– Erecting external panel
– Electrochemical drying treatment
Principle 3: Concrete restoration
To restore original concrete of an element of the structure to the originally specified shape & function by replacing part of it.
– Hand-apply mortar
– Recasting with concrete
– Spraying concrete or mortar
– Replacing elements
Principle 4: Structural strengthening
To increase or restore structural load bearing capacity of a structural element.
– Adding/replacing rebars
– Installing bonded steel rebars in preformed/drilled holes in concrete
– Plate bonding
– Adding mortar & concrete
– Pre-stressing
– Injecting or filling cracks, voids or other interstices
Principle 5: Physical resistance
To increase resistance to physical or mechanical attack.
– Overlays of coating
– Impregnation
– Adding mortar or concrete
Principle 6: Resistance to chemicals
To increase resistance to chemical attacks
– Overlays of coating
– Impregnation
– Adding mortar or concrete
Principle 7: Preserving or restoring passivity
To create chemical conditions in which the surface of the reinforcement is maintained in or is returned to a passive condition
– Increasing concrete cover
– Replacing contaminated/carbonated concrete
– Electrochemical re-alkalization
– Re-alkalization of carbonated concrete by diffusion
– Electrochemical chloride extraction
Principle 8: Increasing resistivity
To increase the electrical resistivity of concrete
– Hydrophobic impregnation
– Impregnation
– Coating
Principle 9: Cathodic control
To create condition by which cathodic areas of reinforcement are unable to drive an anodic reaction
Limiting oxygen content at the cathode by saturation of surface/surface coating
Principle 10: Cathodic protection
To create current flow from surrounding concrete to reinforcement steel
Applying electrical potential
Principle 11: Control of anodic areas
To create condition where anodic reaction of steel is unable to participate in corrosion
– Active coating for reinforcement
– Barrier coating
– Inhibitor
EN1504 acts as a guide for onsite quality assurance, and to define the site application of these products, including protective coatings.

Dri-Gard Protective Coating Systems (According to EN 1504)

EN 1504 covers many aspects and topics in relation to concrete protection and repair. In this section, we will compare Dri-Gard systems (Dri-Gard CF 900 System & Dri-Gard AC 800 System) according to the minimum constraints of EN 1504-2 and EN 1504-9.

Dri-Gard CF 900 System

This system consists of Dri-Gard CP 700, hydrophobic silane-siloxane impregnating primer, and Dri-Gard CF 900, solvent-based methylmethacrylate (MMA) anti-carbonation coating.

Characteristics / CriteriaMin. Requirement
(EN 1504-2)
Dri-Gard CF 900 System Test ResultsRemarks
Material Type
(as per EN 1504-9)
Dri-Gard CP 700:
Hydrophobic impregnator

Dri-Gard CF 900:
Barrier coating / surface coating
Permeability of chloride ionsSubject to national standards
(<100 coulombs = negligible)
0 coulombs with coatingPASS
Water absorptionWater absorption <7.5%0.07% absorption
(immersion for 36 hours)
Permeability to carbon dioxideDiffusion equivalent air layer thickness, SD > 50mDiffusion equivalent air layer thickness, SD > 286.3mPASS
Freeze / thaw salt scalingAfter thermal cycling, there is no blistering, cracking and delaminationNo scaling effect after 50 cycles exposurePASS
Summary of Dri-Gard CF 900 System (Full test report available here)

Dri-Gard AC 800 System

This system consists of Dri-Gard AC 800 Primer, water-based concrete primer, and Dri_Gard AC 800, water-based acrylate anti-carbonation protective coating.

Characteristics / CriteriaMin. Requirement
(EN 1504-2)
Dri-Gard CF 900 System Test ResultsRemarks
Material Type
(as per EN 1504-9)
Barrier coating / surface coating
Permeability of chloride ionsSubject to national standards
(<100 coulombs = negligible)
22.1 coulombs with coatingPASS
Liquid water transmission rateW < 0.1 kg. m-2. h-0.5W = 0.016 kg. m-2. h-0.5PASS
Permeability to carbon dioxideDiffusion equivalent air layer thickness, SD > 50mDiffusion equivalent air layer thickness, SD > 272.3mPASS
Freeze / thaw salt scalingAfter thermal cycling, there is no blistering, cracking and delaminationNo scaling effect after 50 cycles exposure PASS
Summary of Dri-Gard AC 800 System (Full test report available here)

Please contact Dritech Chemicals Sdn. Bhd. for more information on appropriate protective coating systems for your structures.

Dritech Chemicals Sdn. Bhd.

F-8-3, Jalan SS 7/13A, Plaza Kelana Jaya,
47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: +6016-618 2178
Fax: +603-8727 1786
Email: info@dritechchemicals.com

by Isaac Chin
(28 Aug, 2021)

The Importance of Maintaining Roof Tiles with Durable Coatings in Malaysia

In Malaysia’s harsh climate, maintaining roof tiles is crucial to prevent damage from intense UV rays, heavy rain, and algae growth. Quality coatings like Dri-Gard RA 490 provide vital protection against moisture ingress and deterioration, extending roof lifespan, enhancing structural integrity, reducing costly repairs, and improving energy efficiency.

The Rise of Silane-Terminated Polymers (STP)

Silane-terminated polymers (STPs) are transforming construction with superior performance and eco-friendly properties. Used in coatings, sealants, flooring, and waterproofing, STPs offer exceptional durability, adhesion, and flexibility. Free of isocyanates and low in VOCs, they ensure safer application, reduced environmental impact, and long-lasting solutions for modern, sustainable construction practices.

Anti-Carbonation Protective Coating Systems for Concrete Structures


  • Protective coating systems are one of the most effective ways to protect your structure from deterioration.
  • Cost to repair/rebuild infrastructures are usually much higher than its maintenance cost.
  • Without effective maintenance plans, the lifespan & asset value of the infrastructure will decrease at a higher rate.
  • Solvent-based MMA coatings with a silane-siloxane primer is most commonly used to protect concrete structures (e.g. Dri-Gard CF 900 & Dri-Gard CP 700).
  • New technology enables water-based acrylate coatings (e.g. Dri-Gard AC 800 system) to achieve similar performance as solvent-based coatings, while reducing application time by half.

Preventing the Deterioration of Concrete Structures

One of the most effective ways to prevent a concrete structure’s deterioration is through the usage of protective coatings. Ideally, these coating systems should be implemented during the time of construction of the infrastructure. Without proper protective & maintenance measures, there may be more unforeseen costs incurred for the repair or rebuilding of the structure.

[Source: (1) NEWMAN, J., Concrete Repair Strategies, Essentials of Concrete Investigations, Institute of Engineers of Ireland, 2003. (2) FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, Delivering Infrastructure of America’s Future, US Department of Transportation, June, 2002.]

So, why exactly should we care about this?

Ultimately, the asset’s value & lifespan are the 2 factors that are vital to the asset’s owner.

Without proper maintenance, the structure’s lifespan, and subsequently its value, decreases. However, if effective maintenance & periodic repairs were carried out, the structure would be able to meet the designed lifespan (or even exceed it!). The later the problem is discovered, the more the funds required to repair the structure to its initial designed lifespan.

[Source: P. ROBERY, Effective Management of Concrete Assets, Halcrow Group Ltd. ]

Maintenance works preserve infrastructures to prevent future deterioration, and sustain/improve their conditions. Hence, it is much more effective for these preventive systems were implemented during the time of construction.

Let’s take a look at some examples of protective coatings for concrete structures in the following section.

Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Protective Coating Systems

Solvent-based, MMA protective coatings, e.g. Dri-Gard CP 900, are usually applied onto concrete structures with a silane-siloxane primer, e.g. Dri-Gard CP 700. This system acts as a protective barrier to prevent carbonation & chloride attack to concrete.

[Image from News Straits Times]

MRT tracks in Malaysia are coated with an equivalent system to Dri-Gard CP 700 & Dri-Gard CF 900. This system also complies with Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) requires for concrete bridges & infrastructures. Dri-Gard CP 700 & Dri-Gard CF 900 has also been used for various JKR projects, such as certain packages of the Central Spine Road.

Water-Based Acrylate Protective Coating System

Conventionally, solvent-based coating systems are able to deliver higher performance & results compared to water-based ones. However, Dritech Chemicals has developed a water-based, acrylate coating – Dri-Gard AC 800, that is able to achieve similar performance to that of a solvent-based MMA coating (check out the test report here!), while reducing the application time by half!

The application time of Dri-Gard AC 800 system only takes half of the time needed compared to a coating system using a silane-siloxane primer.

by Elyse Kymberly Teoh
[30 July 2019]

Please contact us for more information on appropriate protective coating systems for your structures.